A Letter from our Director

From a very young age, the Lord has placed a calling on my life to work in the field of education. I grew up spending free time in my mother's classroom, helping her change bulletin boards, cleaning her chalkboard, prepping packets, and organizing materials. My mom was everyone's favorite teacher - her classroom was a second home to many, a place where children were both encouraged and supported. As I entered college, there was no hesitation on what career path I would choose; I knew I was called to education! My desire was and continues to be - to be used by God to make a positive impact on the lives of children (just as my mother had done as an educator).
I have spent much of my career working in Christian schools on the island of O'ahu and am an advocate for Christian education. As a daughter of an educator, as a student who benefited from a Christian school education, and as a parent who invested in Christian education for her own children, I am a firm believer in the value and importance of Christian education.
I am honored that God has chosen me to be a part of the team that will be opening a brand new preschool at New Hope O'ahu's Sand Island Campus. Proverbs 22:6 reads "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." KCA's goal is not only to provide a quality education for every student that becomes a part of our school family but more importantly, we are here to share Christ with our students and their families.
In His Service,
Mrs. CinDee K. Enos